
Reserve a tool for pickup

You can reserve tools online through our website with your myTurn account, which all our members have. Find out how to get into your myTurn account or become a member.

Give yourself the best chance of getting the tools you want by booking well before the day you want to collect them. The earlier you book, the more time volunteers can have to approve your reservation (and more likely they will be available).

To reserve tools:

  1. Go to the BTL website to browse by category or using the search bar.

  2. Click the ‘Reserve’ button, once you’ve found the tools you want to borrow.

  3. Select the date* (only Mondays, Wednesdays or Saturdays should be chosen) you’d like to reserve the tools for.

  4. Once you’ve finished adding tools to your cart, click on the cart icon and select Submit Reservation.

Congratulations! You’ve made your first reservation. You’ll receive an email straightaway to confirm your reservation.

*You can only book tools for a week at a time. This is to keep tools in circulation for everyone to borrow.

Book now.

What happens if I want to collect another tool on a day I already have a reservation?

Edit your current reservation here. Please don’t make a second reservation for the same day.

What happens if I change my mind?

Cancel or Edit your current reservation here. This lets us know the tools are available for another member to use.

What happens if a tool is unavailable?

If a tool is unavailable because it has been lost or damaged, our volunteers will do their best to find you a suitable replacement. If we can’t find a replacement, we’ll contact you before we move forward.

What to do if you can’t reserve tools

In order to make a reservation, you’ll need to do all of the following:

  • Have an active membership

  • Have a credit or debit card on file on your account

  • Confirm your email address

To confirm your email address:

  1. Login to your account.

  2. View your account details by clicking on your name, then Account.

  3. Under Personal Info, check your email address and click resend confirmation. (If you can’t see your email, make sure you’re in the ‘Primary Info’ tab.)

  4. Check your email and click the button to confirm your email.

Contact us if you still can’t reserve tools.